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Dealing with a difficult boss

A recent article by my friend and colleague Career Coach Dale Kurow, entitled "Dealing With A Difficult Boss" is geared toward employees; but has some great insights into dealing with customers, partners and other difficult people as well.

Dale talks specifically about "screamers" and "hypocrites" and give some great tips about how to handle them:

The Screamer: "Learn to judge the best times to approach her. Tone of voice, body language, time of day, all these hold signs of her emotional barometer. That’s the key to getting what you need and avoiding many of her outbursts…"

The Hypocrite who is prone to mood swings: " Whether things are good or bad, you need to control how you respond and not join your boss on his emotional rollercoaster. Be patient and professional at all times. Use a “charge neutral” voice, an even, unemotional tone…"

Read the entire article here.  (You’ll have to scroll down to the featured article)

-Susan Martin, Small Business Leadership Program.

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