I recently came across a wonderful post by Guy Kawasaki entitled “Ten Tiny Things Every Small Business Owner Should Do in 2009” which basically asks those in business management to look at their companies as a customer would, to test out how well they’re doing. Guy writes:
On this, the last day of 2008, I provide a list of ten tiny things that every small business owner should do in 2009-hopefully in early 2009. Don’t consider it a New Year’s resolution because there’s a whole psychology behind such things. Just do it.
- Act like a prospective customer and call your company to see how the phone system and receptionist treat you.
- See if your website has a “Contact Us” section. If it doesn’t, add one. Ensure that it has a street address.
- Send your company an email asking for customer support and see if someone responds to it.
Read Guy’s entire post here.