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Website Development: Which Comes First The Site Or A Marketing Strategy?

There’s an interesting conversation going on at Lee Oden’s Online Marketing Blog about whether one should have a social media strategy before they jump into social media marketing. He asked 40 “social media smarties” what they thought, and the overwhelming answer was YES. What comes first a website or marketing strategy? Does the same principal […]

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Alternative Lending: Business Credit At Any Cost?

With the recession and business credit tightening, it’s been harder for small businesses to obtain loans. As a result alternative lending has become a growing industry. Un-conventional lenders are cropping up with all kinds of different approaches to an age old problem – financing a small business. But are the benefits of these alternative lending, […]

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Marketing Blunder: Is This Any Way To Market Your Business?

I often talk about the importance of keeping your message about “them” (your ideal clients), and not focus on “you”. Prospective clients are much more interested in themselves and their problems than they are in reading about how great you are. But some people take this a little too far… The other day I received […]

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Successful Management Strategies: More On Open Book

As a business coach and consultant, I’m always interested in learning more about successful management strategies. One such strategy involves opening the books (and everything else) to the employees, who are referred to as “associates” and often tying compensation and bonuses to the achievement of certain goals and profitability. As a result, they buy-in to […]

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Small Business Challenges – Keeping It Real

All entrepreneurs, even wildly successful ones know that it’s not all rosy, in fact it’s often far from that. That’s why it was so refreshing to come across a new contender in the “You’re the boss” blog family at the NY Times. It’s written by furniture company owner Paul Downs, who is recounting the small […]

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Employee Retention: Why Resolving Staff Issues Is So Important

An employee retention disaster at a local coffee bar reminded me of how critical resolving staff issues is to the life of a business. It all started (publicly) when regular customers found that Gorilla Coffee on 5th Ave. in Park Slope was closed because all ten of their employees quit, enmasse. Instead of being able […]

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Is Response Time Impacting Your Referability?

Sally runs a small consulting firm in Northern N.J. She provides HR services to small businesses. Sally knows that professional behavior matters. When she started her company and began marketing professional services, she made a point of following-through with clients consistently. But as her business grew and client demand increased, Sally had a hard time […]

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Small Business And Health Care Reform – Questions?

The small business community is abuzz with questions, concerns and mis-information about health insurance reform. In the small business “Agenda” blog, part of the “You’re the boss” blog section of the NY Times, Robb Mandelbaum has done a nice job of covering the health insurance reform issue from the small business perspective. To combat all […]

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Health-care Reform and Small Business Greed

The fight for health-care reform has been going on for sometime now. The critical vote takes place over this weekend, and this is my last minute appeal to the small business owners of this country to think with your minds and your hearts, rather than worry about your pocketbooks. I know that this bill isn’t […]

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Case Studies: Open-Book Management

I recently wrote about the importance of using case studies as part of your marketing strategy. Jack Stack came out with another winner that I’d like to share from his “Open Book” blog. Jack’s case studies all revolve around open-book management and from my perspective, paint a convincing picture of how case studies and open-book […]

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