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Hiring Well

Many business owners have trouble finding great employees because they don’t focus in on the qualities and characteristics that they really need.  Without knowing and asking for what you need, it’s hard to get the kind of employees that will help your business to thrive. John Moore of "Brand Autopsy" a "leading practitioner in the […]

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US leads world on work life “unbalance”

I wasn’t surprised to learn of the Harvard / McGill Universities study by Jody Heymann that the US lags behind most of the world in helping workers balance work and family, but it reflects the sad state of affairs in our country anyway…here’s what they came up with: According to an article in the Chicago […]

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Self Employment Numbers Tank

A recent posting by Jim Hopkins of USA Today’s Small Business Connections stated that self-employment figures tanked in December, the lowest single drop in the past 10 years. “I don’t know why last month brought such a big decline. On the other hand, I don’t place too much emphasis on a single month’s change because […]

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Winning the Battle With Time

Sales reps, like business owners, professionals and executives often run themselves ragged trying to do everything that has to be done, and end up feeling as though they’ve accomplished nothing.  Recent advances in technology have turned us into a 24/7 society, where expectations are usually well above what can reasonably done.  To keep up, you […]

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Dealing with a difficult boss

A recent article by my friend and colleague Career Coach Dale Kurow, entitled "Dealing With A Difficult Boss" is geared toward employees; but has some great insights into dealing with customers, partners and other difficult people as well. Dale talks specifically about "screamers" and "hypocrites" and give some great tips about how to handle them: […]

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Closing the loop on the marketing and sales process

In many companies the marketing departments and sales departments don’t interact, especially when it comes to lead generation, so it’s hard to measure whether these efforts are paying off.  I recently listened to a podcast where Marketing2IT’s Ginny Hall interviewed Brian Carroll, CEO of InTouch Inc. on how to close the loop on lead generation.  […]

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How Local Search Can Help Small Businesses

The ROI of pay per click advertising has been somewhat controversial in the small business community, for ad campaigns use up a lot of the marketing budget for many small companies. Anita Campbell of Small Business Trends has published an interesting article about the benefits of small business local search. In the article, she interviewed […]

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How many times have you heard people say  "if I only had more hours each day" ?  Time management is one of the biggest challenges of this century. And if you run your own business, manage a department, or work for yourself; it can be especially difficult because ultimately, the responsibility for results rests on […]

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Leadership behavior

I often hear clients complain about their employees and many of these complaints are justified, some employees just don’t care, lack judgement, have no sense of urgency, are lazy… But employee’s attitudes aren’t the only thing at play here, like all human beings, they react to the way they are treated.  Unfortunately, not all bosses […]

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Overcoming “Sales Phobia”

Many small business owners are professionals who have talents and skills in specific areas of expertise, often having spent the first part of their careers working for someone else. Once in their own business, they find themselves in the position of having to sell their own services or products, a notion which can be both […]

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