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Small Business Management Mistakes: Working “In” Instead of “On” Your Business

If you’re serious about business success, it’s best to avoid these small business management mistakes: Years ago, in his bestselling book "The E-Myth Revisited" Michael Gerber pointed out that the typical entrepreneur, business owner or professional spends most of his or her time working "in" the business, instead of working "on" the business; and this […]

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Is Working Worth It?

Sara Schaefer Muñoz came up with another interesting post in the Wall St. Journal "Juggle" blog.  She tackles the whole question of whether the costs associated with returning to work after having children really are worth it in "Is Working Too Expensive?" In the post, she discusses a friend who decided not to return to […]

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Should Women Attorneys Pretend to be Single?

I’d thought I’d seen it all, until I read a recent post in the Wall Street Journal Law Blog entitled "When You Land the Interview, Should the Ring Come Off?" Here’s the post in it’s entirety, but click on the link above anyway, just to see the tremendous response it’s gotten: "Should women applying for […]

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Solving Starbucks Marketing Problems via blogs

Wow, business sure is being done differently these days! Two former Starbucks Coffee marketers and bloggers; Paul Williams of Idea Sandbox, and John Moore of Brand Autopsy are helping Starbucks to solve their marketing problems via posts on their marketing blogs.  Paul writes: “On February 23 an e-mail, from Starbucks Coffee chairman Howard Schultz to […]

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Why Zig When You Can Zag?

What do apple and Mini Cooper have in common?  They both "zag". In a world full of copycats and generic brands, the only thing that separates you from the "clutter" is your Zag. If you haven’t already heard about "The Brand Gap" author Marty Neumeier’s new book "Zag" I suggest you pick up a copy.  […]

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Remarkable Customer Service

Not so many years ago, successful companies were built upon a firm foundation of delivering quality products and reliable customer service.  Today, you’re lucky to get any satisfaction when speaking to a customer service representative at most major companies. I came across a recent post by Joel Spolsky of Joel on Software, which outlines 7 […]

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When Voicemail Doesn’t Answer

There’s a particular decision maker you’ve been trying to reach for weeks…although you’ve tried him at all different times of day, you keep getting voicemail, as you do with 90% of the other sales calls you’re making…it’s hard getting thru to prospects, especially since the invention of voicemail. And we’re so used to reaching voicemail, […]

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The Value of Marketing

There’s a lot of talk about proving the value of marketing these days, and marketing ROI (return on investment).  In order to really get value from marketing, it’s important that marketing tactics and strategies are in alignment with the short and long term goals of the company, and the situations and challenges facing them in […]

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Immigrant Entrepreneurs Outpacing Native Born Americans

A new study conducted by the NY think tank Center for an Urban Future found that "the growing number of immigrant entrepreneurs in major U.S. cities is giving a huge lift to urban economies and even outpacing self-employed native-born Americans." According to an article in USA Today by Edward Iwata: "It’s not just a handful […]

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TV Intro or Elevator Speech?

Some call them elevator pitches, others refer to them as “sound bites”, or 30 second commercial, whatever you call them, they add up to a concise explanation of an idea, business or service that entices you to want to know more.  It’s a marketing & sales tactic that’s as ubiquitous as it is powerful, and […]

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