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Stop! Before you build that website

Liza is an executive employment attorney with a private practice in NYC.  She specializes in helping high level executives negotiate high income employment contracts.  When Liza called me last month she told me about the website she had launched, complaining that it didn’t seem to bring her any business. I checked out her site.  Hmmm…I […]

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Business Leadership Coaching | The Importance of Vision

In an earlier post this week entitled Business Management Coaching | Leadership isn’t just for executives, I spoke about the role of leadership in small business, and listed some attributes that successful small business leaders have in common.  Today I’m going to talk about point #1, “They have a vision” In the small business environment, leadership isn’t […]

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Business Management Coaching | Leadership isn’t just for executives

If you ask a small business owner about business leadership coaching, chances are they will tell you it’s a subject for executives and CEO’s of large corporations.  But leadership is a powerful skill that has many significant applications in the small business environment as well. Here are some characteristics of successful small business leaders, in […]

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Web Evaluation | Where is your marketing message?

Everybody has a website these days,and there is a lot of information on the internet and in the press about websites and how to make money from them. But did you ever notice that many of the websites that you see on the internet are totally generic and give no real flavor for what this firm […]

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Time Management Coaching | Identifying your “big rocks”

I recently blogged about the importance of plugging in time for your “big rocks”, the priorities that are most important to you.  From my work with business owners and professionals, I understand that for many, it’s hard to do this until you first determine what those big rocks are. Here are a couple of ways to get started: 1. […]

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Productivity Coaching | How big rocks can help

Regarding productivity coaching, I just read a wonderful post by Michael Hyatt entitled “Creating An Annual Time Block” in which relates a story told by Stephen Covey about attending a seminar in which the facilitator put a wide mouth jar on the table and started filling it with big rocks. Since so many business owners […]

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Business Coaching | Ongoing support yields better results

Before business coaching was developed, when business owners needed help, they would turn to a business consultant or mentor. And although business consultants and mentors can significantly help their clients,  a business coaching relationship is far more comprehensive. For what a business coach provides, is not only ongoing guidance, but the support and accountability we […]

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Business Coaching | The Isolation of the Solo-preneur

If you own a business, are an independent professional, freelancer or work for yourself, you probably won’t be surprised to learn that isolation is one of the greatest causes of business stress. It’s easy to see why, as you’re most likely doing too much, if not everything yourself.  It’s hard to do it all and do it […]

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Are you managing your business, or just flying by the seat of your pants?

The other day I wrote about the importance of accountability in business.  Today, I’ll expand on this a bit by relating a story about Jim, a client I worked with a year or so ago… Jim is a highly creative interior designer.  He has built a solid reputation on his ability to create zen-like rooms that truly helped […]

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Business Coaching: Accountability, delivered

Accountability has long been a problem for many business owners.  Without a boss standing over your head, and with lots of different situations pulling at you all simultaneously, it’s often difficult to maintain focus and keep plugging ahead. John Janitch of Duct Tape Marketing has a great post today on the different ways for business […]

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